Easter weekend (almost six weeks ago already!) Kate and I took the time to head down to Cape Maclear, a beautiful village right on the southern shores of Lake Malawi. We had originally planned on a different itinerary for the week, including three days on Mt. Mulanje and then staying at Cape Maclear the weekend after, but because of the advocacy training I helped with we had to adjust our plans at the last second.
Every evening at sunset, the local fisherman paddled home while the sky behind them offered up the beautiful canvas you would expect in such a tropical paradise. Even in my wildest dreams, I never could have guessed moments like this are what Malawi held for us. Peaceful, tranquil- you would have to work hard to convince me at that moment that there is anything more beautiful on this entire earth.
Family and friends always inquire how I'm doing, or if I'm happy. Kate's colleagues here are always asking, "How's Jon getting on?" It seems like a common inquiry, and if I'm not careful it's pretty easy to always be in my own head, questioning and asking about the decisions I've made to leave my career for a while and head here. Purpose in my life and what I do is important to me, and simply living a vacation lifestyle is something that gets old (see Steamboat, Hilton Head, etc.)
Some days I miss my job, some days I don't. I'm sad that I wasn't there for Sean Pharr's two (two!) Walkers, as well as the opportunity to keep Fred Moore humble after he picked one up as well. I'm bummed that I wasn't there to see my classmate Adam Braunbeck try his first Circuit case, and from what I hear do a good job with really, really tough facts (I mean, what else?). I can't believe I'm not there to keep Carlos Wood in line now that he's back at the office, and miss my daily bull sessions with Aaron Dyke. I miss the heck out of each and every person at that office, because I believe in what they are doing with their lives, and enjoy the people they are. I know that there is endless work to be done at the Louisville Metro Public Defender, and every other PD office for that matter. I know I love that work, and it was tough leaving it. I believe I will do that work again some day, just not right now.
I have picked up some freelance legal work through a couple of websites I am on, which doesn't sound like much except for when you account for some money coming in when you haven't had any income for three months. I'm very proud to say that one client I did some work for has asked for some additional, so that makes me believe I can do some of the civil stuff I had tried to forget.
Is it my dream job to work on trusts issues from Utah, and civil procedure questions from Illinois? Clearly not. But I can say I feel more balanced than I have in a long time. It's been great to work out more, play things like Gaelic football, and be more healthy. Kate and I seem to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables in a week here than we did all year when we were home. I have really, really enjoyed having time to read, watch movies, and catch up on lots of good music. And sweet Lucille is providing more and more adventure by the day (btw, RIP BB King, what a morbid coincidence!).
After the initial newness of Lilongwe wore off, after my terror that I wouldn't be able to pay the bills started to subside, after I learned not to worry about how I would fill my days, after taking some time to build perspective on this entire adventure....life is good. Am I happy? What an odd question. Do you mean at this exact moment? Do you mean generally satisfied with life? Is anybody happy all of the time? I would be skeptical if someone said they were. Am I happy? Most of the time, yes. I am really happy that I took the chance to move here, am thrilled that the seven months away from Kate is over, and am excited to see what else Malawi has to offer that the first three months haven't already produced.
Will I always be happy living far away from family and friends, doing freelance legal work while a career I care about is waiting back in the States? Not sure: ask me in six months, or a year, or five. And if you happen to feel a little down, a little lost, and little confused about what's important in life, there are always scenes like this to offer a little perspective.